Who are we?

The members of our Board of Directors are composed of pulmonologists, patients and members of other associations active in the respiratory field. Good to know: there is a clear synergy between the Belgian Respiratory Society (BeRS) and the Belgian Lung Foundation (BeLF).

Indeed, the BeRS is a non-profit organisation that ensures the continuity of training and education of health professionals, such as general practitioners, pulmonologists, nurses, physiotherapists and researchers, in the respiratory field. The BeLF is a public utility foundation that advocates for awareness of respiratory diseases, clean air for all, regular sports practice and smoking cessation. It is aimed at the public, patients and patient associations.

Board Members

Didier Cataldo

President of BeLF - Pulmonologist - Member of the Board of Directors of the Belgian Respiratory Society (BeRS)

Fabienne Echevin

Administrator - COPD patient - Member of the BPCO asbl

Laurent Godinas

Administrator - Pulmonologist - Member of the Board of Directors of the Belgian Respiratory Society (BeRS)

Wim Janssens

Administrator - Pulmonologist - President of the VRGT vzw

Victor Nevelsteen

Administrator - COPD patient - President of the COPD vzw

Rozenn Quarck

Administrator - Researcher

Jean-Paul Van Vooren

Administrator - Pulmonologist - President of the FARES asbl

Frank Willersinn

Administrator - President of the Alpha-1 plus vzw association